Keep music in our schools, music in our schools, music in our schools.
Keep music in our schools, music in our schools, music in our schools. 

Why are you cutting funding for music? Why are you cutting funding for the arts?
Let the good people speak their minds, that music is entwined with every ounce of their lives.
Afterschool programs of the music and arts is a preventative beyond belief in a million different ways.

Dear legislators, you took away our music, you took away our arts, but I got a peek inside of your home.
Paintings on every wall, sculptures in the corner, a piano in the foray and a record collection that kills.
You’re a piece of shit hypocrite…piece of shit hypocrite.

Keep music in our schools, music in our schools, music in our schools. 
Keep music in our schools, music in our schools, music in our schools.