About The Choir

The Revolution Choir is an energized group of men and women based out of Portland, Oregon singing original compositions. We are using our voices to spotlighting issues of social justice and equality. We are also harmoniously pointing out the fact that allowing money to flow so easily within our political system can easily lead to corruption. Each song has a message within about issues that are important to us.

The Revolution Choir has performed at such important events such as The March For Science which aims to hold representatives accountable for evidence-based decision making and policies. The Good In The Hood festival which is a multicultural music festival to value and celebrate diversity through entertainment. Storm The Midterms which is an event used to help get out the vote. 

Humans are progressive by nature. Our minds are hardwired to want progress. Most don’t want to live the lifestyle from the 1850’s or 1950’s. We have Progressed…in science, technology, energy, economic and social developments.

Entertainment can help to draw awereness and bring attention to an issue or a candidate. Music is a powerful message-spreader that connects everyone regardless of  political party.

Contact us to have us perform for your event or rally.


Kevin Levy Revolution Choir