Greedy Politicians

Money money money money money money money
Money money money money money money money

Why oh why do our congressmen lie. Denying facts cause money makes them high.
Greedy politicians are what corrupt our Government, money in politics makes our senators lie.

Money money money money money money money – Give me more, give me more, give me more money.
money money money money money money money – Give me more, give me more, give me more money.

Why oh why do our congressmen lie. Denying facts cause money makes them high.
Greedy politicians are what corrupt our Government, money in politics makes our senators lie.

Money money money money money money money – Give me more, give me more, give me more money.
money money money money money money money – Give me more, give me more, give me more money.

Written by: Kevin Levy ( The very first song written of this project which led to the inspiration/creation of The Revolution Choir)
Copyright 2017 – Kevin Levy – All Rights reserved

We understand that just because a politician accepts money from a special interest group or an industry does not automatically make them corrupt.
But, because money is allowed in politics that means the Dirty Oil industry, Billionaires, the gun industry, Pharmaceutical, health insurance industries, bank CEO’s, mega-corporations and sneaky special interest groups can legally spend millions to help elect their preferred politicians. These special interest groups mentioned spend millions in order to massively influence politicians to vote in their favor and write policies that protect them. Money, money, money. Loyalty will often go towards those that paid big bucks to help get them elected.

Because money is allowed in politics lobbyist can offer multi-million dollar job positions to members of congress who couldn’t get re-elected or who wants to “retire” from politics. This is meant to have an “inside connection” within government policy making. This is disgusting and it needs to stop.

There are many ethical and honest fundraising politicians with good motives. The Labor Industry donates to campaigns. Special interest groups that focus on clean air and clean water donate to political campaigns. Civil rights groups donate to politicians. The list goes on. But it is up to you, the voting citizen to determine if that special interest group or that billionaire has any specific motives for donating huge sums of money. Is it just for raking in huge profits for their company or is it for a genuinely good cause, for the good of mankind.

We must unite as one and vote for the American Anti-Corruption Act to once and for all end the corruption in government.